Remco Livain

Thoughts on: How to use word of mouth effectively to fuel B2B sales
B2B sales are not very easy to come by. It takes a lot of effort to work your
way into the minds and hearts of a company and to promote your products.
Therefore, it is important to come up with strategies that help you promote your
B2B business effectively.

Why short term potential should not be called quick wins
There is one term I have never truly understood, “quick wins”. It is a term I
hear far too often when meeting (new) clients. Middle managers want and need to
show results, quickly. Speed is of the essence and it’s all about showing
traction. Hence the term quick wins

Things organizations forget when pursuing digital innovation
Digital innovation in organizations is the single largest challenge of
organizations, this century. New technological advancements and breakthroughs
are part of our daily lives. It is hard enough to keep up with all the exciting
possibilities as individuals, let alone as an organization.
If your organization struggles to keep up

WWDC19 Apple, what have you got up your sleeve for us today?
We are only a few hours away from Apple‘s annual developer conference. For Apple
fans one of the (two) most important day(s) of the year.
I really enjoy watching these conferences. Even-though it feels as if these
meetings have become more of an evil necessity to the larger

Why look at others?
Points of reference help us determine where we are today, whether or not we
should change something and if we match expectations. If you want to know how
you are doing, you need to compare yourself to others. That is how we were
raised, that is how we determine whether

Should entrepreneurs track their time?
We work a lot, we can work as much as we want, really. To a certain extent the
amount of hours entrepreneurs put into their life’s work is disproportionate to
what they will ever get out of it. Do you feel like you don’t know where your