Diary of an entrepreneur: Friday blues and tough decisions

Another “week” has come to an end, at least for the team. I don’t really feel like this will be a well deserved and relaxing weekend, just yet. It doesn’t happen often that I feel like I’m starting into the weekend on Fridays at all to be honest. It is just the day before Saturday, the day before family day, the day before a long(er) bike ride… Sunday’s are my weekend days.
This week, I had to fight to align my short term with my long term goals. A lot is happening, as you know, and I have to “keep my cool,” have faith in the process.
But the biggest entrepreneurial challenges are not self inflicted. It isn’t always as equally easy to keep everyone around you on track, too. In fact, each individual around you has their own track to stay on too, not just your entrepreneurial path.
Guarding the path
Hence, I know it is key to guard the path of people around me as well. I have to make sure that they feel comfortable to stay on the shared road we are on. And this might actually be the sole different or between entrepreneurs and leaders.
I don’t doubt the path I’m on. I think about it a lot, but I don’t doubt it. I know that this is where I want to be, right now. Remco Livain
In my position within the team, I feel a big responsibility to challenge whether or not MY path is the right for the individuals, colleagues and friends around me, though.
Challenging situations
This week I came across a number of situations that put my own path and thoughts to the test.
As an example, we had been talking to a potential client, one that would bring in a substantial amount of short term upside. Even though the financial upside would help us a lot (to help finance our gandt co-creation space, for example) I felt there was a mismatch between our employees, and the potential client. I wasn’t sure if this project would not stretch the team, too much, without the long term perspective to grow together.
For none of the employees on the team, this “job” fit their personal development paths. It was the wrong client for us at this time. Remco Livain
To pass up on an opportunity like that, takes a lot of energy. I feel responsible for the personal development of every individual around me. Maybe not the best trait for a self made entrepreneur, let alone the CEO of a company. But I feel that I made the right decision, nonetheless.
The constant struggle between short term gains, “personal-” and “group-development,” and my own long term vision can be brutal. Remco Livain
When I look back at this week, I’m proud of the decisions I’ve made. I feel things are moving in the right direction. And if they aren’t, at least they are moving. Movement is key.
Right now, I’m moving towards my bed, though. Tomorrow will be exciting, but I’ll tell you why in the days to come. Have a good night and thank you for sharing this journey with me.