Swiss Retail Federation and GANDT collaboration, makes me proud

Hi, guys, I hope you’re doing great and you have gotten off to a fantastic start this week. I know I have, we have just recently announced our nice collaboration with Swiss Retail Federation.
To me personally, this is a bit of a highlight for all the hard work that we’ve put in in the last couple of years. Now, it bears some explanation maybe on why that is, because as we started, about five or six years ago, we founded the company 2015. We knew that we’ve been working with and for retailers for quite some time before that already.
How it all started
We launched the company and started working on a service that helps retailers deal with the challenges of digitalisation, online marketing, and everything that comes with it from both a product marketing and organisational standpoint, at that point in time already.
But we were still very small, right. And when we just got started in 2015, it was basically just me and my partners, we were just two, three at some point for in the on the team who helped out our partners and retailers.
I think the Swiss Retail Federation collaboration is a great milestone for all of us
We’ve come a long way since then, because we’ve been basically growing organically. We are now currently more than 20 FTE, which is fantastic. And a stronger team a far broader team with far more skills than the ones that we have brought to the table from the start. And I think that this Swiss Retail Federation, collaboration is one great milestone for all of us.
A team effort
The main reason I love it so much is because it brings in different types of skills from multiple people on the on the within the grant ventures group, and things that we would have never been able to do by ourselves. And even if we’ve attempted to do it, this is now so much bigger and so much broader and more encompassing than anything that we could have done ourselves three or four years ago.
Without getting into too much of the details on how the programme works, and which retailers we’re trying to help or work with, and what our programme can do, and who does what, I just want to say that I’m very grateful for this opportunity of working together with such a strong partner. And also to know that we can do this as a team.
It’s very inspiring, and so much fun to work with these guys.
It just makes me extremely grateful for everything that we’ve accomplished in the last couple of years. That’s also why I’m posting this to my personal blog. This, to me is not just a company thing. It’s something that we’ve done together.

About the future
But still also to me as an entrepreneur, as the CEO and founder of the company. It’s something special. And I can’t wait to see what else is in store for us and what we can do as a group.
I know that we’ve developed in an immense way in the last couple of years. And it’s something that I’m extremely proud of, and so much fun to share.
So that’s it. I’ll share some more insights on the programme that we’ve put together for and with the Swiss Retail Federation, in a blog post on my website, but you can also find it on GANDT ( where there’s more information on how we work and what our program is like.
I hope you have a great day and thanks for listening and speak to you soon.
What is the Swiss Retail Federation
The SRF ( is an independent federation build to help retailers in Switzerland. They organise events, share knowledge and insights amongst their members and facilitate solutions for any topic a retailer might encounter. When did you start working with the Swiss Retail Federation
The GANDT group started working together with the SRF in 2021. What is the goal of the collaboration
It’s simple, we as GANDT would like to share our knowledge and approach with as many retailer as possible. We are a Swiss-based company with a broad international customer-base. Hence, for us, it is a great opportunity to work with some of the most renown Swiss retailer and brands.
As for the Swiss Retail Fed. they have received many requests from their members on digitalisation and online marketing topics. The last 12-24 months, these requests have continued to increase and our (content and service) collaboration is one part of what Swiss-Retail will do to support their members in the best possible way. Is the program exclusive to members of the SRF
No, it’s not. But we have developed the program with the help of the Swiss Retail Federation and their input.