Canon Reimagine Event July 9 2020

I cannot believe what I am about to say: I am truly excited about the upcoming Canon live event on July 9th. Especially as a big fan of MFT cameras and an Olympus-lover, it pains me to say that this might very well be the start of a new era.
Oh Canon, if only all the rumors were true. The EOS R5 and R6 are said to be extraordinary. 8k in camera, non-cropped 4k video content and in-body stabilization, this is what (semi-)professionals have been longing for.
Full-sensor cameras are something special. Of course, a larger sensor needs a substantially larger body, but the EOS footprint is anything but huge.
I am a sucker for anything small, easy to carry around and with impeccable build quality. Hence, the Micro Four Thirds system has been my „always on me“ for quite some time now. But I have to admit, the video quality on my Olympus EM-1 is simply not up to par with any modern day full frame sensor camera.
Both Sony and Canon have stunning video alternatives on the market, that are significantly better than Olympus MFT-cameras.
You need to judge a camera by its actual purpose, though. My EM-1 was not meant to be a videographer‘s dream camera. It is a light point and shoot that puts our some of the best JPEGs on the market. Quick and easy access to high quality images, perfect for social media stills.
However, as technology advances, so do our needs for new forms of art and entertainment. Video is simply where it is at.
Reimagine the future of photography and videography
Canon‘s Reimagine Event might very well kick-off an entirely new era of videography and bring a spectacular image quality to semi-professional video shoots, and serious vlogger setups.
If all rumors are even close to the truth, we are in for a treat. The only thing that could dampen the party might be the price and availability. But, let‘s give Canon the floor first and wait and see what they bring us.
I for one am excited to see the new line up. As Olympus has recently announced that they will take a step back from the camera-game, it might be a good time for me to re-evaluate and look at some good alternatives. Sony might also have some gems up their sleeves in the months to come. But, first things first – it‘s time to reimagine the future with Canon.